Operation Climate Vote!

Dear Friend,

Help us keep the pressure on Congress to pass climate legislation this year.

Visit our Operation Climate Vote Hub to take action and get involved.

Congress has weeks, not months to pass global warming legislation in 2007.

That's why we're launching Operation Climate Vote, an all-out campaign to maintain grassroots pressure to get bills to the floor of both the House and Senate before they recess for the year.

I urge you to visit the Operation Climate Vote Online Hub where you can:

  • Send an email alert to your members of Congress and the House and Senate leaders.
  • Call House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid to urge action this year.
  • Add your own two cents on our Operation Climate Vote blog – featuring posts from our legislative experts.
  • Check out our National Climate Campaign Director Steve Cochran's global warming forecast video.

Already, more than 30,000 people have taken action online and hundreds have called Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid. Our goal is to triple that action count before Congress recesses for the holidays.

But we need your help. Go to Operation Climate Vote right now to join the campaign.

Throughout the month, we'll be updating the Operation Climate Vote Hub with breaking news, calls to action, and expert analysis of developments on the Hill.

So check back frequently and help us make Operation Climate Vote the resounding success it must be for the future of our planet.

The Environmental Defense Action Fund Team