ACT NOW!!! Contact your senator about climate legislation

Dear Tara,

Now is the moment to take action to make sure the U.S. becomes not only a consumer of clean-energy technologies, but also a leading producer of them.

Email your Senators TODAY

Help the Apollo Alliance make sure the Kerry/Graham/Lieberman clean energy and climate bill supports domestic clean energy manufacturing.

Click Here to Email Your Senators

Senators John Kerry, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman are poised to unveil a bipartisan clean energy and climate bill that has the potential to win approval even in the long-gridlocked Senate.

If that happens, the United States could finally have a policy in place to reduce dangerous greenhouse gas emissions, lessen our dependence on foreign oil, and set us on a path to a clean energy, good jobs future.

But will this bill ensure that increased U.S. demand for clean energy is met by American workers making the solar panels, wind turbines and other products of the clean energy economy? Only if we also invest in our own clean energy businesses and workforce.

Email your Senators TODAY and ask them to urge Senators Kerry, Graham and Lieberman to put Senator Sherrod Brown's Investments for Manufacturing Progress and Clean Technologies (IMPACT) Act into their bipartisan climate bill. Click here to email your Senators NOW.

Currently, 70 percent of our clean energy systems and component parts are manufactured overseas. The IMPACT Act would reverse this trend and ensure that policies that grow our clean energy economy also create good, high-quality manufacturing jobs here in the United States.

The IMPACT Act would authorize $30 billion to establish state-level revolving loan funds to help small and medium-sized manufacturers retrain workers and retool facilities for clean energy production. It would also expand funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership program to help manufacturers access clean energy supply chains.

The bipartisan climate bill is moving…fast. That's why I urge you to contact your Senators today in support of the IMPACT Act.

We can't miss this opportunity to create millions of high-quality American jobs in the clean energy economy.

Thanks for taking action today - and for all your support.

Cathy Calfo
Executive Director
Apollo Alliance