ACT NOW! Join with their 1,000,000 strong to ban offshore drilling

Excerpted from a message from

Welcome to a growing movement to protect our coasts and make a quick transition to clean energy.

Link to the petition:

350’s Facebook group:

As the oil washes up on the beaches of the gulf coast, the country faces a stark choice about our energy future. Will we respond in ways deep enough to matter, or will we continue on a path of destruction, danger, and dirty energy? To build a movement that's powerful enough to push us onto the path of a clean energy future, we need your help.

How can you make a difference? A few ideas...

1 - Make sure you've added your voice to the growing call for a permanent ban on offshore drilling: TAKE ACTION NOW!

2 - Check in regularlary and join the compassion-filled & action-focused conversations @ We'll also keep you abreast of breaking news & collective actions to make our voices really count. Post your own ideas to the Wall!

3 - Start a clean energy project. Join us as we Get to Work in our communities -- and build the pressure for our leaders to actually lead. Find out more, and sign up here: <-- This is one of the powerful actions you can take!

Help us build a massive movement demanding a permanent ban on offshore drilling -- Please rally all of your friends to join this group!