ACT NOW! Stop the "Dirty Air Act" - Vote This Week

excerpted from Environmental Defense Fund message:

The Gulf Coast oil catastrophe shows once again how disastrous our over-dependence on oil and fossil fuels is to our environment.

But some in the Senate don't seem to get the message. This week, the Senate could vote on a bill offered by Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) that would restrict the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to cut carbon emissions and unleash our clean energy future.

This is a critical vote in our efforts to hold polluters accountable and reduce America's dependence on fossil fuels.

Please take action today: Email your Senators to oppose the Murkowski bill.

More than 50,000 EDF activists have already emailed their Senators opposing this bill. With action pending this week, please help keep up the grassroots pressure.


In 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that global warming pollutants are covered by the Clean Air Act.

The Obama EPA has begun carrying out the law by taking steps to limit global warming pollution from cars and from large power plants and factories.

Instead of embracing this progress, Senator Murkowski's measure would strike at the heart of the Clean Air Act, blocking these actions and letting America's biggest polluters off the hook.

And she is using a little-known procedural maneuver called the Congressional Review Act to move a "resolution of disapproval" very quickly to the Senate floor, perhaps in a matter of days.

Vote counts in the Senate suggest this could be close. Senator Murkowski's resolution already has dozens of cosponsors, and it requires only 51 votes to pass.

Please take action today.

If enacted, the measure would permanently bar the Environmental Protection Agency from requiring big polluters to cut their emissions of greenhouse gases.

It's a veritable "Dirty Air Act," and it's a serious threat to our fight against global warming.

Please take action today: Urge your Senators to oppose this attack on the Clean Air Act.

Thank you for your activism and support,
Environmental Defense Action Fund