ACT NOW!!! Ask Your Friends and Family to Help Shut Down BP Atlantis!

Excerpted from Food and Water Watch:

Don't Let Another BP Disaster Happen

Ask Your Friends and Family to Help Shut Down BP Atlantis!

Where's the Truth from BP?

Ask your friends and family to help shut down BP Atlantis and then watch our new video.
The stories from the Gulf get worse every day. I just saw a headline announcing that the oil spill could take years to clean up. However, one thing we're not hearing much about is the number of other platforms that pose similar risks. We've been working to shut down BP Atlantis, an oil platform in the Gulf that is missing 89 percent of its engineer-approved safety documents. Thanks to people like you, President Obama has received over 10,000 letters asking him to shut down BP Atlantis, but it hasn't happened yet.

We need to send in more messages now as the administration clarifies its deepwater drilling policies. Can you ask your friends and family to take action?

The Deepwater Horizon accident has brought new attention to the lax regulation of oil platforms. BP has spent millions lobbying federal agencies that have turned a blind eye to ensuring safety of these platforms. We have proof that the Minerals Management Service, which is responsible for regulating the oil industry, has ignored major safety issues around BP Atlantis. The whistleblower we've been working with discovered that out of the 7,000 safety documents for BP Atlantis, 6,000 are not up to date or engineer-approved. This is a disaster waiting to happen.

The Deepwater Horizon has spilled tens of millions of gallons of oil so far, creating the worst oil spill in U.S. history, but a spill from BP Atlantis could be even worse. According to BP's own worst case scenario, a blowout on BP Atlantis would cause a spill twice as large as the Exxon Valdez spill within two days. This is a tragedy that we can prevent.

Help us shut it down before it's too late.

Thanks for taking action,
Sarah Alexander
Outreach Director
Food & Water Watch