The Issues

Climate change and NYC—highest asthma rates, great potential impact on aging infrastructure—higher storm surge and sea-level rise, preexisting blackout and brownouts—over demand on energy especially during summer months—etc. Over xxx percent living in urban settings with numbers increasing—we need to both support the health and longevity of our community and lead by example!

Center of international business, banking, culture—in a country without international climate agreements. Although climate change is a complex global issue, efforts to address it need to begin on a local level and start with education to increase awareness and understanding. The mayor’s commitment to cut emissions by 30% by 2030 is a step---we want more, more than addressing emissions, addressing our patterns-of-living and the everyday-choices that are readily available to our city. Why not a “carbon neutral city”—not just through offsets, through real-life changes. Giving citizens the “tools” to enforce and enact the “rules”. On-the-ground based solutions through education programs, collaboration amongst agencies, business, academics, non-profit sector, and public…open-source sharing of solutions/action aids. xxxxxx, while meeting the city’s long-term sustainability goals, reducing energy costs and creating vibrant, healthy and green neighborhoods. To achieve this, multiple agencies must collaborate toward this end.