Step It Up November 3rd

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Step It Up Climate Change Action Center

Contact: Margo Bettencourt
Cell: 305.562.2944

Massive Global Warming Rally

Part of Nationwide Event

WHEN: 12:00 – 2:00 pm, Saturday, November 3, 2007

    WHERE: Washington Square Park, NYC

    WHY: The event at Washington Square Park will be one of hundreds scheduled as part of the nationwide Step It Up Climate Change Campaign. Many of them will be held in places that honor great leaders of the American past – from the top of Mt. Washington to the site of the Lincoln Douglas debates. In addition to restating the 80% by 2050 imperative, the November campaign demands that our federal leadership impose an immediate moratorium on the construction of new coal burning power plants, as well as make extensive investments in ‘green collar’ job development across the country. Step It Up 2007 is a national, voter-driven grassroots effort that continues to urge Washington to support bold climate change solutions for the 21st Century. On April 14th of this year, over 100,000 Americans gathered in locations in all 50 States to send Congress a clear message: CUT U.S. CARBON EMISSIONS 80% BY 2050.

    The Step It Up rally will allow participants to become part of the solution to global warming beyond the event. Action tables will be available for writing letters and making phone calls to elected officials. Additionally, attendees will be invited to participate in hands on eco-projects to be part of the solution. One such project will be a mass planting of native seeds, resulting in a real-time step towards restoring the urban ecosystem. Participants will be given seedlings to take home and grow, and other seedlings will be planted in sites around the city thus creating a living, citywide reminder of our shared responsibility to stop global warming.

    WHO: Speakers will include noted politicians, such as New York Congressman Anthony Weiner and Environmental Defense scientist, James Wang. There will also be an Electronics Recycling Event with the Lower East Side Ecology Center ( and NYC Climate Coalition from 10am-3pm.