Change a Light, Change a World Campaign

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
(NYSERDA) is participating in the ENERGY STAR® Change a Light,
Change the World Campaign. The goal of the campaign is to save
energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging
consumers to switch to ENERGY STAR qualified lighting products
such as compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). These
transactions are tracked by a pledge, completed by the consumer,
stating that the change has been made.

NYSERDA has set a goal of obtaining 10,000 pledges by October
23rd. We are looking for businesses, community groups, schools
and other organizations to become a “pledge driver” to help us in
reaching our goal. Your organization can help New York reach its
goal by becoming a pledge driver.

A pledge driver hosts a link to the web
site on its web page. As a pledge driver, you will receive
credit for “pledges driven” to this web site from your own. Total
pledges will be tracked on state and national levels.

Any interested organization can sign up as a Pledge Driver. You
will find sample blast emails, web site icons for your landing
page, and pledge driver tracking information at the web site.

If you have questions on becoming a pledge driver, dial
1-877-NY-SMART or send an e-mail to

Thank you for helping us to achieve our goal!