TAKE ACTION NOW! Rally for Climate Legislation in DC on April 25th

Forty years ago, America faced a huge environmental crisis. Our rivers were catching on fire. Our air was thick with smoke and smog. Pesticides were driving birds to extinction. Freeways were being plowed through vibrant urban neighborhoods.

On the first Earth Day, twenty million of us came together and demanded change. We made "the environment" a voting issue in the 1970 elections. In the process, we launched a peaceful revolution. The nation is vastly healthier and more prosperous for it.

Today, our world faces an unprecedented crisis. After more than 30 years of careful scientific study of the world's climate, the results are clear. We are cooking the planet.

It's time for the next American revolution.
We must overthrow dirty power and switch to safe, clean, decentralized, renewable energy sources. We must show Washington and the world that we won't wait to act against climate change.

The revolution starts with you. Join me Sunday, April 25 on the National Mall for The Climate Rally and demand a smart, fair, comprehensive, effective climate solution.

Congress didn't act in 1970 until after we had defeated seven of the first Dirty Dozen incumbents that fall. The Senate won't act now until they can see how serious we are. Let's show them.

Politicians who refuse to recognize the greatest threat facing the planet need to lose their jobs. We must show them that climate is a voting issue.

On Sunday, April 25th, we are organizing a massive Climate Rally on the National Mall to demand change. If you care about your planet, join us.

The road ahead is not an easy one. Our opponents in the coal and oil industries are rich, powerful, and ruthless. But the consequences of failure are unthinkable.

It's time for the next revolution -- a revolution in the very way we power the world.

Join me in Washington, DC on April 25th!

Denis Hayes
Earth Day Action Network