Contact Your Senator Today! Create Strong US Climate Legislation

With a climate bill pending in the Senate, we are doing everything we can to keep the pressure on for strong climate action.You can help by emailing your Senators and urging them to support a climate bill.

Here are some sobering facts about climate and water to inspire you to take action:7: Number of great rivers in Asia fed by meltwater from Himalayan glaciers (Ganga, Indus, Brahmaputra, Salween, Mekong, Yangtze and Huang He).2 billion: Number of people, mostly in India and China, who rely on meltwater from Himalayan glaciers for their fresh water.2035: Date by which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and India's Energy and Resources Institute predict that much of the Himalayas could be glacier free.66%: Amount by which the July-September flows would be reduced in the Ganga River if we lose the Himalayan glaciers.37%: Amount of India's irrigated land is located in the Ganga region.1 and 2: Respective rank of China and India as the world's producers of wheat and rice, food staples for all of humanity.

Please share these facts with friends and family to urge them to join our Operation: Climate Vote campaign: you for your activism and support,Environmental Defense Fund