ACT NOW!! Save NY Clean Energy Today!

Two important pieces of environmental legislation are on the agenda tomorrow for the New York State Legislature -- and we need your help in urging your legislators to cast their vote for a clean-energy future.

First, Gov. David Paterson is proposing a huge cut to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which would nearly wipe out this program's budget. The cut amounts to nearly 50 percent of the RGGI carbon-auction proceeds -- which were intended to fund clean-energy innovation, not to serve as a piggy bank for other state programs. Click here to ask your legislators to stop this disproportional budget cut and stay the course toward a clean-energy future.

Second is an initiative that makes energy efficiency upgrades more affordable for property owners. The legislation would allow municipalities throughout New York State to set up special programs for energy efficiency as well as retrofits to residential and commercial buildings. There is a $454 million pool of federal money just waiting for this legislation to be passed -- so click here urge your legislators not to miss out on this huge clean-energy opportunity!

There are many important initiatives on Tuesday's agenda, and we cannot let these two get lost in the shuffle. Please tell your legislators that clean energy and a better environment matter to you.